The recent failures to reach agreement for global emissions limits appear to be shifting the climate debate in meaningful ways. There appears to be a gradual realization that the entire debate about anthropogenic climate change is pointless. Even if human activity is causing climate change in measurable and predictable ways (the predictability claim being particularly dubious), there will be no global agreement to restrict growth in order to reduce emissions of GHGs. This leads us to a simple logical conclusion: if we are unwilling or unable to control the causes of climate change (and the climate does change - a perfunctory look at the geologic record tells us this) then the best we can do is prepare for it.
The article below provides an interesting list of important historical events that were, in large part, driven by changes in climate. It provides a good jumping off point for consideration of how to prepare for inevitable climatic changes. Give it some thought and feel free to share in the comments section.
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